Data Analytics Platforms for Energy Management Comparison

July 01, 2021

Data Analytics Platforms for Energy Management Comparison

Are you trying to find the best data analytics platform for energy management? With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to determine the right fit for your needs. Look no further! Our Flare Compare Team has constructed a factual, unbiased comparison of some of the most popular data analytics platforms for energy management on the market.

1. Flutura Platform

Founded in 2012, Flutura is an AI platform that focuses on industrial and engineering IoT applications. The Flutura platform utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to provide advanced analytics for energy management.


  • Flutura has a high degree of accuracy, with up to 90% energy savings.
  • Their platform uses real-time analytics to optimize energy usage.
  • Flutura has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.


  • Flutura can be costly and may not be suitable for small businesses.
  • Flutura may require additional setup and configuration to get the most out of its advanced features.

2. Schneider Electric EcoStruxure Resource Advisor

Schneider Electric is a multinational company that specializes in energy management and automation solutions. Their EcoStruxure Resource Advisor platform provides businesses with data-driven insights and recommendations to optimize energy usage.


  • Schneider Electric is a well-established company with a strong reputation in the industry.
  • EcoStruxure Resource Advisor provides users with a comprehensive view of their energy spend, from bill analysis to carbon emissions tracking.
  • The platform is customizable and can be tailored to meet your specific needs.


  • EcoStruxure Resource Advisor can be expensive, making it less accessible for small businesses.
  • The platform may require some training to use effectively.

3. Siemens EnergyIP

Siemens is a global technology company that offers energy management solutions, including its EnergyIP platform. This platform provides real-time analytics and insights to help businesses optimize their energy consumption.


  • EnergyIP can easily integrate with existing infrastructure.
  • The platform provides real-time data, allowing businesses to take immediate action.
  • Siemens offers extensive support and training resources.


  • EnergyIP can be costly and may not fit within smaller budgets.
  • Some users have reported limited functionality with certain features.


Selecting the right data analytics platform for energy management is critical to optimizing energy usage and minimizing costs. Our comparison found that each of the platforms reviewed has unique strengths and weaknesses. We encourage you to evaluate your specific needs and consider each platform's features, cost, and benefits to make the best decision for your business.


  1. Flutura Platform | Internet of Things (IoT) | AI Platform
  2. Schneider Electric EcoStruxure Resource Advisor
  3. Siemens EnergyIP

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